Adam Whiteman is proud to be included as a Coauthor of Chapter 1 of the venerated treatise “Turner on Mechanic’s Liens” by Howard Turner. The publication is a comprehensive guide for attorneys seeking to understand the complex intricacies of the Illinois Mechanic’s Lien Law and is available to purchase at
Why Are Mechanic’s Liens Important For Contractors and Property Owners?
The Illinois Mechanic’s Lien Act sets out a statutory process by which a contractor or subcontractor can place a lien on real estate if they have not been paid for their work. This type of lien will then show up in a title search, essentially stating that there is a debt tied to the property making it very difficult for a property owner to move forward with refinancing or selling their property.
How do these issues come into play? One example involves subcontractors. It is common for a general contractor to hire subcontractors to aid in the completion of a project. A property owner then pays the general contractor, who provides payment to the subcontractors. But what happens if the subcontractor does not receive payment? Do they blame the general contractor, or the property owner? In these situations, the subcontractor may then put a mechanics lien out on the property. This can lead to frustration for both parties — the subcontractor who was not paid and the property owner who already paid the general contractor. Provisions within the Illinois Mechanics Lien Act provide guidance on how to avoid these types of disputes, but the provisions are not easy to interpret. As a result, legal experts throughout the state turn to “Turner on Mechanic’s Liens” for guidance.
What if I am facing a mechanics lien law issue?
Those who find themselves looking for legal counsel to navigate a dispute or who are looking to proactively avoid such disputes need an experienced attorney who is familiar with the Illinois Mechanic’s Lien to them navigate their way to a resolution. Adam Whiteman helped write the book other attorneys turn to for guidance on these matters, and he can help you